Friday, January 29, 2010

Insanity Day 5 ABD Day 4

The video says it all! I am doing so well! I completed my last day of the anti-bloat diet and you can definitely see a difference! Woop Woop! I can not wait to see what I am going to look like in 55 days :0) I just had a fantastic dinner! I cheated a liiiitttttlllleee bit! I started my flat belly diet tonight instead of tomorrow. :0) And had a fantastic chicken sandwich with 4 pieces of cheese and water. I am so satisfied! I cant wait until tomorrow! PeanutButter&Banana sandwich! Yummm! :0) Anyhoo time for bed. Tomorrow me and my mother are going to the Christian store! Sista's gonna get her bible! :0) Have a good night and once again thanks for all of your support!


So today made day four of the anti-bloat diet. After today I am able to eat "real" food...the only rules are that each meal can be no larger than 400 calories, I must eat every 4 hours and I must have a MUFA at each meal. Well my son and I are going out and I decided to go ahead and move to the 400 calorie phase tonight since I'm going to a restaurant.

I went to several websites to view the menus, the nutrition information and whether or not the restaurant had a "healthy" menu section. What I found was shocking!!! The one thing that I will forever have because of this experience is knowledge about what I am putting into my body.

I found that quesadillas....those oh so yummy quesadillas are over 1100 calories! At one restaurant, Chillis, they were 1500+ calories. Do you know how many calories those are? I can only have 1600 calories per day. One quesadilla would be equal to an entire day's meal! Hold gets more shocking! In the past I've always been a person who has enjoyed a good burger. An A1 steak burger from Applebee's, a fried cheese cheddar burger from TGIFridays, a turkey burger from Ruby Tuesdays....well those burgers are 1600+ calories!!!! Even the beloved turkey burger is NO friend to anyone! And I mind you that those calories are without the oh so tasty fries and that cold drink that washes it down :0( The most shocking of the shocking came when I went to Ruby Tuesday. Now I knew I would not be able to order my favorite meal...the chicken parmesan pasta....because its fried and I cannot have fried biggie! But I decided to look it up anyhow just to see the calorie intake..............a whooping 1628 calores! Do you know how many times I've had that meal???? SEVERAL! I grabbed my chest...poor little heart! What have I done to you? That is bananas!

I did find out that I can have a steak...260 calories and white cheddar mashed potatoes... 130 calories and still be under 400 calories if I drink water(which I plan on doing) and go without steak sauce or the fried onions which I so love :0( But we shall see...maybe I'll see something "healthier" once I'm there.....either way this experience has definitely opened my eyes up. Its no wonder why heart disease is so high in America....look at what we're putting into our bodies. And it seems so harmless at the time...but those calories really add up!

Think before you eat


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 4 of Insanity, day 3 of Anti-Bloat

I really would like to blog a long entry however I am exhausted lol I start off today's entry where I left off yesterday. Last night I had my first enjoyable meal. I was very surprised. The brown rice, steamed carrots and organic chicken w/lemon and mrs dash was very delicious! I went to bed very early last night and woke up at 5 am this morning full of energy.

Today was very good. The only unpleasant meal that I had was by far the smoothie. Breakfast was delicious! Bran flakes of course :0) I am totally getting addicted to the bran flakes. Lunch was the chicken w/the carrots and a few pieces of cheese. I've had a full feeling all headache or other symptoms of hunger.

Tonight I did Insanity and guess what...................I was able to workout for longer periods of time before I needed a break. woop woop! Go me! Today's workout was insane belly and calves were burning! As I type my arms and legs are so sore! All I want to do is lay down in a bed and sleep lol

Tomorrow marks day 4 of the anti-bloat diet. I am sooooo proud of me. I made it! Hold up, rewind....I'm proud of US! Those people who are on this journey with me. WE MADE IT! I can only speak for myself but this has been a journey lol I have wanted to quit several times over the last four days but I didnt and I am so proud of me. I feel that I can do whatever I set my mind to now. I am so looking forward to Saturday morning. I move on to the 28 days of the Flat Belly Diet and I get to enjoy real food!--pumpkin cheesecake, oatmeal, turkey bacon(yum), fries, veggie burgers, yogurt, fruit, salad, baked chicken, popcorn, etc etc get the point...I get to eat things that taste really delicious!

So anyhoo day 4 of Insanity is done, 54 days to 3 of the Anti-bloat diet is done....29 days to go :0)


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Insanity Day 3...FBD Day 2

I had a great morning but somehow towards the end of the day my body started feeling well..not right. I thought maybe it was due to hunger but I realized that I have been eating and do not have any symptoms of "hunger" I started off being tired....then came the headache....then came the body aches...YIKES!

So I'm taking it easy tonight....I'm about to eat dinner..yumm *sarcasm* and go to bed. I actually felt like going to bed at 6 without dinner but I cooked it anyway just because I'm not suppose to go more than four hours without eating.

So technically there is no insanity today....I'll make it up but I just can not work out tonight....I feel like crap! I hope its nothing major.

Thanks for your support again. 2 days down on the FBD! woop woop! I'm so proud of me! 2 more days to go. I CAN do this! :0)



Well as you all know.................this journey that I am on is more than just physical. I am seeking a change physically, mentally and spiritually. So I am online searching for a bible.....1 that I would like to read because I can understand it, study it, and benefit from it. I currently have a King James Version bible....dont we all lol.....but at times I find myself having to read a passage over and over again to simply understand what its talking about. Anyhoo I'm looking online for a bible and they have different categories like large print, children...typical things ya know....but why do they have African American? *side eye* African Americans have their own bible and in it(according to the little summary) it highlights contributions that africans have made to christianity. *Holds up sign*

C'mon son! Is all of that really necessary? I mean really.....what's going to happen next? A hispanic bible? An Asian bible? Is ALL of that realllllyyyy necessary????????

Anyhoo I have lost track of why I wrote this post........I'm looking for a bible lol Does anyone have any recommendations?


Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

Man I have so many people supporting me as I continue on this journey. I have people who comment on my youtube videos, who text me daily sending words of encouragement, who email me and those who comment on here. I truly appreciate everything because trust me when I tell you..........this journey thus far has not been easy! ;0( I think I've thought about quitting 4 or 5 times and your encouragement has done just that--encouraged me lol So I say thank you!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Insanity Day 2-FBD Day 1 Plus Vid

This is going to be brief because 1. I'm tired 2. I'm cranky and 3. I want to go to bed! Right now I cant say I'm having the "best" of days. I just ate a meal that tasted like pure dee CRAP!!!!! It was flat out horrible! I seriously thought it could not get any worse then the sunflower seeds which made me almost vomit! But NO the green beans, potatoes and fish without salt were just horrible. *pauses to cry*

I honestly do not know how I am going to make it through day 2 tomorrow. Its going to take some serious mind power. I'm going to read tonight and see if I can just eat the bran flakes all day lol That was my most enjoyable meal! But there is always a bright side right? Tomorrow I get to eat pineapple! :0) Anyhoo I'm going to bed. 2 days of Insanity down---58 days to go. 1 day of FBD-anti bloat down--3 more to go!


Flat Belly Diet---Day 1

First and foremost I'd like to begin where I left off last night. After my first Insanity workout I was exhausted. The hot shower that I had felt like heaven in little rain drops. I didnt want to ever get out! I slept better than I have ever slept before...except for the huge rollers that were in my hair but that in itself is another story :) Between twitter, facebook, television, texting and talking on the phone I'm lucky to make it into bed by 1 am and thats on a school night when I know that I have to be up by 6:30 to get ready for work. That leaves me with roughly 5 1/2 hrs worth of sleep. No guessing why I'm always tired! :0( Last night after showering, rolling, and prepping my food for today I was knocked out by 10! I got a good 8 hours worth of sleep last night and it showed this morning. I had energy galore! I actually wanted to work out this morning but I did not...I mean I'm really not trying to "overdose" but I felt great this morning.

I started the flat belly diet today and I was a nervous wreck. On the menu for this morning was 1 cup of corn or bran flakes without sugar, 1 cup of lactose free skim milk, 1/4 cup of unsalted, roasted sunflower seeds and 1/2 cup of applesauce without sugar. Oh and a full glass of "sassy" water. All of that scared the heck outta me but nothing scared me more than the sassy water. I think everyone who is taking this journey with me can agree that reading the ingredients that went into the sassy water makes you want to cringe. The first thing that I thought upon reading it was "I'm not drinking that ish!" I mean it sounds yucky! The sassy water consists of water, sliced cucumbers, sliced lemon, ground ginger/ginger root and mint. It blends overnight and then you drain it and drink it 3 times the next day. I dont like water PERIOD so I was not excited about this so called "sassy" water.

I started breakfast off with the cereal and milk. I am a huge milk lover but I have never heard of or had lactose free skim milk. It doesnt matter because it was surprisingly very delicious. I enjoyed the cereal and milk but found myself extremely full afterwards. Oh oh...big problem! Sista still had the applesauce, water and sunflower seeds to go. I had the decision of continuing to eat or stopping and waiting until I was hungry before eating the sauce/seeds. I picked the second one.

The seeds which I did not think would be bad......heck I love sunflower seeds were by far the WORST of the entire meal. The entire time I was getting them down I was having to tell myself mentally "Chick you only have 3 more days, you can do this!" They were horrible. I'd rather drink 2 gallons of the sassy water then to eat those seeds but I got through it. THe sassy water wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. Imagine taking a cucumber, peeling it, and biting into it.......sounds horrible? Sounds delicious? However it sounds to you...that's how the sassy water tastes. Its bearable! Unlike those freakin sunflower seeds LOL

Lunch is in 45 minutes. Turkey, tomatoes, and cheese! Should be interesting. *shrugs* Til then


Monday, January 25, 2010

Insanity Day vid

First and foremost let me say that this workout program is named INSANITY for a reason....because the workouts are just that, INSANE! Right now as I type this my entire body is aching. *side eye* Now THATs serious! I'ma break this entry down by the good, bad and ugly

The Bad:

I went into Insanity with unrealistic expectations. I saw the preview and honestly thought that I would go through the entire workout and that would be it. WRONG! That's unrealistic. First off I cannot tell you when the last time I worked out was....its been a while. So to expect me to do 45 minutes of INTENSE cardio was not only a was a dream! A minute into the program I could not breath. I was struggling to catch my breath and in typical KL fashion, I gave up. I laid my head in my aunt's lap and pouted just like a spoiled little girl would..."Man I cant do this" Those words alone knocked me back into reality..cant? Cant? Seriously...I battle with my students daily about what they believe they "cant" do and here I am giving the same excuse? Naw that's bs! This journey is not only about the physical...its about the mental! Changing my mentality and getting stronger mentally, spiritually and physically. It took me a minute. I paused for like 2 minutes just trying to catch my breath and then I got right back up and continued to work out. Now I'd love to be able to say that I worked out for 45 straight minutes but that would be a flat out lie. I did 2-4 minutes and rested 30 seconds. At first I felt really bad but I try in all aspects of life to be REALISTIC and realistically speaking I did the best that I could do. Doing that allowed me to set goals to be better, to do more the next time! In the end I did 30 minutes of an intense program.....bump what you say, that's a big WOOP WOOP for me :) I did not make it through the entire fit test but since you take it bi-weekly I added completing the entire thing to my "to-do" list. What I was able to do was:
52 kicks
20 Power jacks
30 Power Knees
12 Power jumps
2 Globe jumps

The Ugly:
The ugly is flat out I am more out of shape then I couldve ever realized lol Whoa! No matter how bad it was...and it was pretty bad....I'm looking forward to the next 59 days! Bring it on :)

The Good:
The good in my opinion is that I made it! My body, while aching, feels good!!!! I have a feeling I'm going to sleep very well tonight.

So one day on Insanity is done, 59 days left to go! Looking forward to beginning my 4-day anti-bloat diet tomorrow. This should be interesting....til tomorrow


Grocery Store Visit

First Post

As I sit down to write this FIRST post I am a bundle of nerves. Every emotion that could run through me right now is well....running! lol I am definitely excited about the journey that I am about to start but I'm also very scared. I'm worried! I'm happy! I'm nervous! There are so many thoughts running through my head so all I ask to those who are those who are that you bear with me.

The concept for this blog came yesterday as I was sitting in church. The speaker spoke on "Being a GOOD person" Now one may ask what does that have to do with weight loss? Well.....not a thang! But as I sat there my heart and mind began to wonder and I suddenly was hit with an epiphany. I wanted to change but I wanted a complete change. I not only wanted a physical change but I also wanted a mental change....a spiritual change! I wanted to be better...I wanted to be "different"

Now please do not confuse this and think that in me wanting to be "different" that I am/was somehow not satisfied or unhappy with how I am. That's not true. I KNOW what I am. I am a beautiful, intelligent plus size black woman. I know that, I LOVE that, I accept that. Ive always been what society deems as "big" Never ever in my 28 years have I been a size 2 so I learned at an early age to accept my butt, hips, accept and love me and I do! My journey is not because I view myself as journey is because I am realistic. I would like to see my 8 year old grow up, attend college, get married and have kids and I realize that being "obese" could hinder that. The weight loss was actually the last thing on my mind while at church...I was more concerned with the mental/spiritual aspect of the change but since I'm changing...heck I matter as well go all out with it right?

So last night I rounded a group of people and we decided to do the Flat Belly Diet. I also received the INSANITY workout program last night thanks to family member and decided to try that. So for the next 60 days I will blog my journey. I KNOW that it will be hard....thats what scares me but what makes me smile is that for the first time in my life I'M MOTIVATED and I do NOT want to quit.

All I ask from the readers of this blog is for your support. Criticize if you must(side eye) lol but I ask for your feedback. I am a quitter. Honey if I get to a size 12 I might forget all about it and that's NOT my goal. I actually want to go through with the entire process for the entire 60 days!!!! So please commment...
