Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bump pain ..... lets talk about the GAIN

Monday was my official weigh in day. I set a biweekly goal on my Wii Fit and met it. I set the same goal, to lose 2 lbs, and went about my day. Well today I weighed in and the Wii Fit and myself were both shocked. I had lost the 2 lbs already. I met my goal in 2 days. I am now officially 10 lbs down and 4 lbs away from saying bye bye to my 80s. I am so excited. I have worked really hard and my hard work is paying off.

I would like to thank all of the people who continue to encourage me on facebook, twitter, myfitnesspal and via text. You all have no idea how much I appreciate your kind words and encouragement.

The V-word ................... Vacation!

My entire month of June has been dedicated to working out, eating right, working out and eating right. I've pretty much been home the entire month except for a trip to the beach here, a trip to visit my father there and/or a trip to the local movie theater. I tried to do as much as I could in June because I knew July would be a killer. Well July is almost here.

My first vacation of the summer begins tomorrow. I leave for New Orleans and will be there until Monday. Now I dont know how many of you have been to New Orleans before but let me tell you a secret ..... they have some of the best food ever! OMG, I have thought about their red beans and rice and bread pudding since last year. I'm sure the calories are out of this world .... isnt that how it always is when something taste good ;(

I'm taking my pedometer with me because I know I'll be doing a lot of walking. That's my exercise right there. I just have to practice restraint when it comes to eating. I'll be eating out for the entire 5 days. I'm going to have to make wise decisions. Thank God I have the Myfitnesspal app on my blackberry. That should keep me focused.

The bad thing is that I return from New Orleans on Monday and leave for Orlando on that Sunday :/ I'll be in Orlando for four days for my son's birthday. Yes another vacation which means another hotel and more restaurant food :/ The good thing is that just like New Orleans, I'll be doing a lot of walking so my exercise will be taken care of. I keep telling myself to not go overboard. I should be ok but we shall see.


Pain .... Pain .... GO AWAY!

I'm sitting on my couch with tears running down my face ..... thats how bad it hurts tonight. I knew it was going to hurt. My legs have been throbbing ALL day but I still did my hip hop ab workout tonight .... two of them as a matter of fact. 50 minutes of intense cardio .... I know .... I'm CRAZY.

I'm still rolling with my No Pain, No Gain theory. The only thing is this theory sounds good when I'm saying it or even typing it but its another thing when I'm LIVING IT!

Thankfully for me tomorrow is my last day of hip hop abs. I am going on vacation for five days and will not be able to do any of the workouts. I will be able to exercise, just not with Shaun T. *exhales* I am so happy to be taking a break. Shaun is kicking my azz! lol

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Jill Scott ...... you're my SHERO!

Has anyone seen Jill Scott lately? Doesnt she look amazing????? I think I utter those words every time I see her. Its not unusual for a celebrity to lose weight. Many have done this including Jennifer Hudson, Star Jones, Monique and etc. However this is the first time that I've seen a celebrity lose weight and felt inspired myself. I've always been a Jill Scott fan...I'm talking about since her lets take a long walk days...and Jill Scott has always been "plus size". I dont know her personally and I've never met her but she's always come across as being so cool and comfortable within her skin and that just made me love her more.

We live in a society that is obsessed with being thin and where the mere thought of being *cough* fat *cough* is frowned upon. Seriously how many fat jokes have you heard? How many times have you gone into a store and saw a cute skirt, shirt, dress and discovered that the store did not carry your size. Its not always a pleasant experience. There is always the pressure of conforming and meeting America's thin expectations. Thats why I think I've always loved Jill. She's always broken the rules whether it was vocally or physically.

Recently Jill has lost weight and I feel that she looks amazing(told you I say that a lot LOL) Whats even more amazing are all of the men and women on twitter and facebook that I see proclaiming their love for curves, their love for a woman who may not be a size 2, their admiration for her new look. I say KUDOS to you Ms Scott .... you look phenomenal and you dear are my SHERO for the month!



Inches baby INCHES!

I have just spent about 10 minutes running around my house singing Kanye West's Workout Plan LOL. I know I know ....CRAZY! But I have a good reason. For the past few weeks I have been losing pounds and pounds are good but my waist stayed at 40 inches. I remember reading You On A Diet by Dr Oz and him stressing the importance of losing inches, especially inches around your belly. A 40 inch waist is not only a no-no, its dangerous. A 40 inch waist puts you at risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, and many other health related issues.

So while I was happy to be losing pounds and saying bye bye to the 80s I was still worried about that 40 inch waist. I weigh and measure myself daily and the scale was fine but the tape measure was becoming my enemy. Then something funny happened. The scale has stayed the same for the past few days but the other day when I measured my waist was 39 inches. I nearly cried. Today when I weighed, I was still at 186 pounds BUT my waist was 38 inches. I'm down TWO inches!!!!!! I am so happy. I am looking forward to not only dropping more pounds but MORE INCHES TOO!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Kitchen Must Haves

I remember when I was pregnant with my son. I went to do my baby shower registry and was given a "must have" list by the lady. Throughout my life I've learned that there is a "must have" list for everything. There's a must have list when you're getting married, a must have list when you become a teacher, a must have list when you're going on vacation and so on and so forth.

Many people have asked me how I have survived going for so long with fast food and/or all of the yummy fattening not good for you stuff that I use to love. Well its actually quite simple. 1. I have my must have list and 2. I have my recipes from So here is my first must have list for my kitchen......enjoy :)

1. Kashi Go Lean Bars-- My favorite are the honey almond flax. They are so delicious and I usually carry one in my purse when I am on the go. If I get hungry and am on the road I whip that sucker out and eat it while drinking a bottle of water and I'm all good. They are affordable as well.

2. Fresh Fruit --- I've always loved fruit since I was a little girl but lets face it, fruit can be expensive. While its very healthy for you and allows you to get full with few calories its a burden for your wallet. Well I found a farmer's market down the street from my house and I've made it a rule to go once a week. Once I'm home I clean the fruit, chop it up and place it in plastic containers. That way whenever I get hungry I can go to the fridge and pull out a container. I also take the containers with me on the road.

3. Brown Rice --- I am a big rice person. As a matter of fact I'm a big CARBS person LOL I must have some type of carb per meal. The carb of my choice is usually some type of rice. Well I threw out all of the flavored rices ... the red beans and rice, white rice, yellow rice and etc and now my cabinet holds boxes of brown rice. Its easy to cook (10 minutes max) and its pretty affordable(1.89 at Walmart).

4. Frozen Veggies -- I can remember when I use to buy canned veggies. *sighs* That seemed so long ago. Veggies trapped in a can with god knows how much sodium. Then I went fresh and I have to admit I love fresh veggies but I decided to throw frozen veggies in the mix and I havent been the same since LOL Where do I start with the benefits? They are more affordable. I can get a bag of green beans for 98 cents at walmart and that bag will last for a minute. They are quick. They are low in calories. I have fallen in love with stir frying since I brought frozen veggies in the house. I dont think I'll ever go back to canned.

5. Diet V8 Splash -- I use to drink regular V8 all of the time and swore I was doing something good .... I mean its v8 .... it has to be healthy right? Wrong! Check the label. Regular V8 has High Fructose Corn Syrup in it. Its full of calories and sugar. So one day I was in Walmart(my favorite place LOL) and I decided to try the diet v8. I checked the label and saw that it had no HFCS and was relatively low in calories. I really was not expecting much but was pleasantly surprised. The diet v8 tastes better than the regular one. Who knew? I dont drink it all of the time, one bottle may last for two weeks, but I've found that when I'm craving sugar an 8 oz glass of diet v8 cures the craving. For someone who use to love sugar, diet v8 is a must have for my house!
What are some healthy "must haves" for your kitchen?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How did you get here?

My all time favorite song by Deborah Cox is Nobody's Suppose To Be Here? In the song, for those who are not familiar with Ms Cox, Deborah is asking love how did it find its way back into her heart. She was done with love and somehow it snuck back up on her. So the entire song consists of Ms Cox asking "How did you get here? Nobody's suppose to be here!"

Thats exactly how I feel right now LOL. When I finished my last blog post I was beat. I was so tired and I just knew that I'd be fast asleep by now. WRONG! As soon as I got up from the table a sudden burst of energy blew through me. It was weird. I figured I matter as well take advantage of it and get a little walking in. I thought about hitting the trail but was worried that by the time I got my son dressed, got in the car and drove to the trail, my energy may be gone :/ I didnt want to risk it so I popped in my Leslie Sansone's WALKING away the pounds, 5 mile walk dvd.

I said I'd only do 1 mile. Well as soon as the 1 mile was done a double energy boost hit me and before I knew it I was half way through mile 2. Thats when the burning started. My legs were on fire! I worked through the burn and before I knew it I was on mile 4. Then something crazy happened...the fire spread. My shins, thighs and buttocks were on fire. Now my shins and thighs have burned before(when I first started working out) but my butt has never burned. I so wanted to stop BUT I had come so far. What was the use in doing 4 miles if I wasnt going to see it out and do the entire 5 miles. I did stick it out and completed my 5 miles for the day! Woo hoo!

So thats 2 hip hop ab workouts done today and 5 miles too. I believe my total is at 58 miles done for the summer with 142 more to go! Yay me! Now its time for a shower, dinner and law and order :)

1 down, 6 to go

So today was my weigh in. The last time I weighed in was June 16th which was 5 days ago. I try to weigh in every 2-3 days but the past few days have been very difficult due to PMS issues. I really didnt want to weigh in because I was afraid of what the scale would say. Well today I did and I'm down another pound. Thats excellent considering the weekend that I had...lunch at Lee Roy Selmons(one of my favs) and dinner at Red Lobster. So that brings me almost to the midway point in the 80's and motivates me even more. My dream is right in front of me and all I have to do is snatch in. 6 more pounds and I'll be saying bye to the 80s and hello to the 70s. I'm about to cry just thinking about it.

As promised I have done two workouts per day this week in addition to my 5 mile walk. Yesterday was easy but today was killer. First of all I woke up and felt like crap .... sick crap + emotional crap. All I wanted to do was stay in the bed. I had NO appetite at all but I forced myself to eat a bowl of hot oatmeal and drink 8 oz of orange juice. I figured as long as I stayed in the house I'd stay being crappy so me and the kid went to the beach. Awwww it was so relaxing. I was under a pavillion reading a book while the wind blew. Had it not been for me having to workout I would've stayed out there forever. I was soooo relaxed ... maybe too relaxed because doing my hip hop abs today was a challenge. I had ZERO energy. I'm proud of me because I made it through both and 60 minutes of high impact cardio! :) Go me Go me!

Now I am just exhausted and have decided that my 5 miles just will not get done today :( It hurts me to make that decision but I am honestly about to fall asleep as I type this so imagine me after I've showered and eaten dinner. I'm going to be out like a baby. lol

Monday, June 20, 2011

Michael Jackson BAD

I feel Michael Jackson bad ..... *moonwalks* LOL! I just completed two hip hop ab workouts and quite frankly I couldve done two more. I have energy galore. What really impressed me is that I was able to go through both of the workouts(fat burning cardio and ab sculpt) without stopping. Thats a big thing for me because when I first started doing hip hop abs, I had to stop every 5 minutes. Now I can go 60 minutes without stopping for a break!

Woo hoo!

I still have my 5 miles to do but if that goes well I plan on doing another hip hop ab workout. Now tell me this, WHOSE BAD? lol

Sunday, June 19, 2011

No Pain No Gain

This is my motto for this week ........................ No Pain, No Gain! I'm psyching myself out before Monday gets here because as I finished my 2nd hip hop abs workout of the day my legs started to give way .... my muscles ached and I wanted a hot bath and a bed. I need to be prepared and strong physically and mentally because in addition to my 5 miles a day, I also have two hip hop abs workouts everyday this week. Tough schedule but definitely capable of being done. I just cant have any excuses. I have to go for it .... with soreness and all. I have a goal and hard work is going to be needed to achieve it. No time for excuses :)


I remember as a little girl my father playing Vickie Winan's no cross no crown. For those who have not heard it, the song talks about being able to take a little heartache, a little pain, a little stress...basically having a cross. If you dont have a cross basically you wont have a crown. A crown being entrance into heaven. The song goes on to say must Jesus bear the a cross alone and all the world go free? No there's a a cross for everyone and theres a cross for me.

You may not know this about me ..... but I'm spoiled. Hey I admit denial over here. I've heard this song a million times and for a million times I thought it did not apply to me. I'm Kimberly ... I am suppose to be happy for ever and ever merely because I want to be. Dont pick at me because some of you feel the same way. In actuality thats not how it works. Life is not perfect. At 29 I laugh at such a thought. If my life was perfect, what a boring life that would be. If life was perfect, how could I learn from my mistakes and hardships and get better. If life was perfect how could I bear my cross and get my crown.

Life is not perfect. Life is full of laughs and tears. Its full of joys and sorrows. I laid in bed for an hour this morning with tears streaming down my face. My heart was heavy and my mind was full. I hate Father's Day for it forces me to remember that I am a single mother and that my son's father is not the "type" of father that I would want for him. After I had cried all that I could cry and cursed all that I could cursed I realized that this is just another cross that I must bear. Its a cross that me and my son must bear. One day my son will be a great man, I can feel this deep down in my soul. I know that God has something special planned just for him just like he had something special planned just for me. One day we both will look back on these years not with regret but with thanks.

I was talking to my oldest sister a few weeks ago and we were reflecting on our childhood. My sister holds on to our childhood more than I do and I shared with her that everything that we went through only aided in making us the strong black women that we are today. Its true. Had I not gone through many of the hurtful things that I've gone through I probably would not be the woman who is standing before you all today. Our hurt, our flaws, our troubles, our mistakes....they all shape us into the beautiful people that we are. How can you have a testimony without first going through a test? You cant.

So while my heart aches today and tears flow down my eyes I accept this cross, I accept the pain and the heartache, I accept the tears for I know that one day I shall have my crown. I will be smiling and everything that I've endured will be a faint memory. Remember NO CROSS, NO CROWN

Happy Father's Day everyone!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

*sighs* Its Father's Day

Tomorrow is Father's Day......its the time of year that makes my blood boil. I had a great father growing up and still do so one would think that Father's Day would be a day that I spent celebrating him ... wrong! All of my father's great deeds are overshadowed by the fact that my child's father sucks. Every year without fail I cannot focus on the greatness that is my father ... instead I spend every year engulfed in rage and hatred for the man that helped me to create the most important person in my life. That my friend, sucks!

I feel as if God places tests before us and it is up to us to pass them. If you dont pass them, you're constantly given that test. If you pass them you receive a special blessing from the heavenly father and move on. For example, I had the worst neighbors ever. Just thinking about my neighbors would cause my blood to boil. FYI, I have anger issues. Anyhoo I'd come home and my neighbors would be blasting their music ... my blood would instantly boil and I'd get so upset that I'd say I was near the point of having a stroke. My blood pressure would rise and I'd be on the phone calling the cops and/or landlord. This went on for a long time. I kept failing and failing. If I end up in hell when this life is over, I'm sure I'll be there because of my temper and/or anger issues One day I was sitting on the couch and they started with their music ... but this time I did something different. I counted to 10 and DID NOT GET ANGRY. Dont ask me how but after 10 minutes and me not getting angry, they turned the music down. I didnt go over there or anything ... See how GOD works! The same thing happened the next day and I got the same results. By the third day all I could do was smile. I even managed to speak to my neighbors .... who believe it or not, were not as bad as I thought they were. The point that I'm trying to make is I passed that test. I learned to control my anger in that situation and I did not allow anyone to get the best of me.

That is what I am attempting to do tomorrow. For nine years I have regretted ever meeting my son's father ... I've been angry for nine years that the type of father that I have, my son does not have. That anger, as anger often does, has eaten away at me and made me miserable. I have not enjoyed a father's day in nine years and thats unfair. Its unfair to me, its unfair to my son but most of all its unfair to my father....a great man who raised and loved me for 29 years and my son for 9. My goal for tomorrow is to honor him and not allow my anger for deadbeats to control me. Even as I type this I know that it is going to be a difficult challenge. However I'm going to take a deep breath, I'm going to count to 10 and I'm going to EXHALE and enjoy my day.

Happy Fathers Day to all of the fathers who are taking care of their business! Much love and appreciation to you all



Friday, June 17, 2011

Weekly Review

Pstar Week Pictures

Well I did it ..... I completed another week. There has been so much on my mind that I've wanted to blog about and couldnt due to lack of time. I decided tonight that before I did anything else I would at least blog about my week. So as I sit funky from tonight's workout I have a smile on my face. Its been a trying week but I MADE IT! *cues Kirk Franklin*

This week started off BAD. I had such a bad attitude at the beginning of the week. I woke up in pain, tired, bloated and irritable. When I stepped on the scale I had gained 4 lbs. I knew this was wrong. It takes 3200 calories to gain a single pound and I had been struggling to consume 1200. It didnt take long for me to realize that I was PMS'ing and that put me in a real funk. Someone on suggested that I take pamprin and increase my water input to 8-10 cups a day. I did and it worked! I'm still a little tired and irritable but my bloated belly is no more! When I weighed in last night I had actually lost weight ..... bring my total weight loss down to 7.4 lbs! I almost cried .... yeah I'm a cry baby. I have 7 lbs to go before I'm writing a post saying bye bye to the 80s. I cant wait.

Food wise I did great this week. I cooked and perfected a chicken stir fry at the beginning of the week. I could totally eat that every single day and not get tired of it...thats just how delicious it was. My goal is to post the recipe on here ... when I get time :/ My second meal of the week was a veggie lasagna. I'm trying to introduce a new veggie and fruit into my diet biweekly. This week's veggie was eggplant and the fruit was apricot. Eggplant to me is beautiful and I've heard such wonderful things about it. However I personally do not like it. I'm willing to give it another try but in the lasagna it was not tasty. I think I'd rather stick with zucchini and squash. I had the apricot today and it reminded me of a sour peach. Yeah I didnt care for that either. The good news is that my son loved the apricot so they will not go to waste :)

The one thing that I noticed this week and am very proud of is that my stomach/body has adjusted and I now do not have to eat so much. I get full off of one cup of rice, pasta, cereal, etc. The real shocker came this afternoon when I went to Applebees and ordered a burger. I could only eat half of the burger because I was so full. That has never happened before. Honestly I didnt know whether I should be happy or sad. That was one of the best burgers ever and I couldnt even finish it off. :/

Exercise wise I did good. Shaun T kicked my ass this week. He has been babying me with the Fat burn cardio but this week I did the total body burn and lets just say me and shaun arent on the best of terms. My entire body hurts .... but thats ok. I know next week when I weigh in, I'll reap the rewards :)

I'm looking forward to next week. I've been doing this plan for 15 days and am down 7.4 lbs. At this rate I should be at my goal weight by the time I return to work. Watch out now .... team 30 and FAB in full effect ;)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

12 Steps: Emotional Eating

I've heard that when a person has an addiction and enters rehab the first thing that he/she must do is first admit that there is a problem. So I guess that is how I will begin this post tonight. Hi, my name is Kimberly and I'm an emotional eater.

As I thought about this post I tried to remember when and how I became an emotional eater. I drew a blank. I do remember when I first realized that food made me feel better. That was in 2006. I had just left my husband, I was a single mom, I was in a stressful position at a new school, I was away from my family & friends, I was in a new town and well food just became everything to me. When I was happy, I ate. When I was sad, I ate. When I was angry, I ate. When I was lonely, I ate. Eating got me through difficult times. I didnt have to cry, I could eat and instantly feel better. And so this was the mentality that was established and therefore I became an emotional eater.

Things got better ..... I really have not gone on any binges lately. That is until tonight. Tonight I completed my five miles(woo hoo) and got the bright idea that I should look at my student's FCAT results. They say curiosity killed the cat and I can see why Mr Cat died because I often find myself placed in awful situations because my curiosity got the best of me. Tonight was no different. First of all I must say that I am a teacher who prides herself on having excellent test scores. I've been in this profession for 7 years(and my waist line shows it lol) and my results have never been less than 90%. This year my score is 76%. Before I knew it all types of emotions were coming and going. I was mad as hell, I wanted to cry, I was happy for those who did well, I was depressed, etc. What was funny is that although I was NOT hungry at all, the first thing that I wanted to do was eat. :/ I knew eating would make me feel better would tame all of the emotions that were running through me.

In a perfect world and a perfect blog I'd type that I fought that urge and went about my business. However this is not a perfect world. I had baked chicken, brown rice and black beans, not bad right? Have you ever seen a crackhead fiending for crack? Is that ever a pretty sight? No not at all. I feel like emotional eating is no different .... its an addiction. Dont laugh but seriously there's an emotional eater's anonymous lol <---- sorry for laughing. I've made it to step 4 just by writing this blog post. Hopefully I can make it all the way to step 12 ;)

I did it, I did it, oh yeah yeah yeah

I promise this is one of my favorite scenes from Finding Nemo. To quote Dory, "I DID IT I DID IT OHHHHH YEAH YEAH YEAH" What did I do?

* Ive gone a month without eating fast food

* I've exercised every single day

* I've met my goal of walking 5 miles a day. Now I'm considering moving it up to 10!

* I've tried new fresh fruits(papaya) and veggies(cauliflower)

* I've met my mini-weight loss goal

I am so proud of me. If you dont pat yourself on the back, who will? *Dory voice* I DID IT I DID IT OH YEAH YEAH YEAH ....... THERE'S NO EATING HERE TONIGHT, NO EATING HERE TONIGHT, NO EATING HERE TONIGHT YOU'RE ON A DIEEETTTTT! LOL

Goodnight :)

Bye 90's ...................... HELLO 80's


I really do not know where to begin with this post. I'm really emotional so I'm sure I'm going to be all over the place but here goes.

I have been 190-ish for as long as I can remember. At my largest I was 199 .... a mere 1 lb away from being 200. Last year when I did Insanity I lost inches but pound wise I was stuck at 192...thats as far as I made it. My goal was always to get out of the 90s and quite frankly I never thought I'd make it.

So with this new journey I have been setting mini-goals via the Wii Fit. Nothing major...2 pounds here, 2 pounds there. I achieved the first goal and really didnt think anything of it since the goal was 190 ..... STILL in the freakin 90s :( So then it came to the second goal.... I did two pounds again which would take me to 188 and OUT of the 90s. Today I got on the Wii fit to have a little fun and work on my balance. During the weigh in I noticed that my weight was 189.6. I never would have expected to have the reaction that I did ...... I literally broke down into tears. Even as I type this I feel the tears coming again LOL. I DID IT!!!!!!!! I did what deep down I really did not think I could do. I'm out out of the 90s LOL. My goal has to be met by Wednesday and I have 1.6 pounds to go. I am so motivated. So out with the old and in with the new. Bye bye sucked anyway :) HELLO 80s and 70's I have my EYE on YOU!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Bye Bye Fast Food

Isnt that picture disgusting? Doesnt it make you just wanna puke? Well thats how I felt when I discovered what was actually in fast food. I was minding my business on facebook one day when I came across a site called FoodFacts-Whats actually in your food. While this is the day that saved me I often joke that I wish I would have just put my phone down. My curiosity got the best of me that day and I clicked like. My life has not been the same since. When I discovered what was actually IN alot of the fast food that ate I was sick to my stomach. I havent touched the stuff since.
I'm no different then most of you. I work 8 hours a day in a very stressful field and I have a 9 year old son who happens to be autistic. Sometimes the LAST thing that I want to do after working all day is come home and cook. Wendys, Chick Fila, Pollo Tropical and Burger King were staples in our household. Dunkin Donuts and McDonalds for breakfast were an every day occurence. Pizza on Mondays, wings on Wednesdays.....sometimes I went a full two weeks without ever touching my stove :/ I dont type those things with pride....I type them to show you just how reckless I was living. I cant take back the last year....I cant take back the damage that endless trips to various fast food restaurants have done to my body but I could change.
They say the worst thing that anyone could ever do is to quit a habit cold turkey. Its true lol I gave up fast food cold turkey. No more Burger King, no more Pizza more Dunkin Donuts. Shoot! And I was just starting to get addicted to coffee again :) At first it was easy....I simply thought about everything that I had read on and that knowledge alone was enough to turn me away. However it got to be a lil difficult when I started taking road trips and/or being away from home for long periods of times. Difficult but still doable. I am happy to announce that I have been without fast food for a month. I dont miss it. Yesterday a guy next to me was eating a Popeyes meal .... it smelled delicious and my mouth watered but when I thought about what exactly was IN that meal, my saliva quickly dried up lol
So I happily say, bye bye fast food! It was good while it lasted but like so many other unhealthy relationships in my life, ours has come to an end :)

Hello ..... its me, Kimberly

Its been a year since I last blogged on here. Its been a year since I even thought about working out. Its been a year since I was focused on becoming a "different me". What a year it has been? Emotionally, physically, professionally, and spiritually it has been a very difficult year. At one point I sat back, looked in the mirror and believe it or not, I didnt even recognize the person staring back. I gained ALL of my Insanity weight back and was almost pushing 200 lbs. I hated my job....I hated my career. And I was angry. Angry at the world and angry at myself and the bad thing is I have NO clue WHY I was so angry. I decided that I was going to do some things differently.....take a lil time to find me again and I have to say that I have been LOVING the journey.

So YES I am back to doing "a different me" but I'm doing it on MY terms. I've been doing it for a few weeks and I already see major differences. I cant wait to see the end results. Welcome back to my journey :)