Thursday, February 25, 2010


I'm going to share something with the world that few people know about fact the only people who I believe actually know about this are my father and best friend. I have a serious problem with grieving. I dont grieve well at all!

I'm the type of person that you see at a funeral and you wonder "Well damn what's wrong with her? Is she going to cry? She's holding up really well" I remember my grandmother dying and my father encouraging me to let it go, to let it out, to cry! I couldn't. I sat for days, even attended the funeral, truly NOT believing that she was gone and boy once I realized it, my life was forever changed. NO ONE knows that...not my sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, NO ONE!

I DO grieve, I just do not grieve well. Years have passed since my grandma has passed away and yet I'm still grieving. I cant bear to look at pictures of her. Looking at them instantly causes my eyes to water. I cant bear to even think of her or mention her name because doing so instantly causes my eyes to water. Even as I type this blog entry, I find myself having to wipe tears from my eyes. I dont want to think about the fact that she, a woman that I love so much, is no longer here...even if I know she's not.

This is not the direction that I set out to take when I sat down to write this entry but every burden needs to be released from a heart, every tear duct needs to be emptied, every soul needs peace so its gonna be what its gonna be.

The reason why I wrote this piece was to announce that I just signed up to walk in an epilepsy walk. I'm very excited but moreso I'm proud! I lost a relative last year and he himself suffered with seizures. I would like to think that by doing this I am remembering him. I grieve for him too and believe it or not his death was very hard on me. Its hard to lose a loved one....whether you're close to them or not. Its even harder to lose someone who is younger than you are. It totally puts your life into perspective.

So I look forward to the epilepsy walk........I hope that it not only strengthens me physically but mentally and spiritually as well.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

9 lbs!

congrats Pictures, Images and Photos

When I started this process 30 days ago I had hit my biggest....I weighed in at 200 lbs. My entire life I've said that as long as I was one-something I was fine but that I'd nearly faint if I ever reached 2. Well I reached it. I was shocked. Where the hell did all of this weight come from? But I am proud to say that I now weigh 191 lbs! I'm down 9 lbs!!!

Now I know some people *cough*HATERS*cough* lol are going to say that's it? But I wanna share a lesson on pounds that I've learned while on this challenge. 1 pound of body fat is equivalent to 4 sticks of butter. Think about that and go and vomit LOL I surely did! So the fact that I've lost 9 lbs which is equivalent to 36, count em 36 sticks of butter. 36 sticks of butter OFF of my body! I am so happy

I think that I appreciate these 9 lbs because I know that I've worked soooooooo hard to achieve it. I didnt take any pills! I didnt have surgery! I'm not knocking anyone who has done those things but I did this the old fashioned way....with hard work! And say what you wanna say but I'm proud of me! I still had cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory and etc and STILL lost 9 lbs! I have 30 days left and guess what..........I'm looking forward to losing 9 more! Woop Woop!

Thanks for all of your support


1/2 way mark! Day 30!!

So today is day 30 and I am so happy. Do you know what that means? That means I've reached my 1/2 way mark!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who would've ever thought I would've made it 30 days? Not I and certainly not some of the other people that I know but I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!! To my huge support system that I have I say thank you. I truly *sings* NEVER WOULD'VE MADE IT WITHOUT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!

I had a huge blog entry that I was going to type up but somehow someway my blackberry erased every single picture, video, etc that I had stored on it *weeps* The really bad thing is that I had just taken pictures to show how I have progressed and of course they are alllllllll gone! :0( Anyhoo life goes use crying over spilled milk right? So here's my video! Thanks for the support



Monday, February 22, 2010

Another Fit Test--3

So today makes 28 days since I began my journey! Dont ask me why I'm so excited about day 28 but I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today was my third fit test. I was excited because I wanted to know if I was going to improve any but scared at the same time because I knew that I had done a major workout yesterday and was unsure how my body would react. Anyhoo here are my results:

3rd fit test-82 2nd fit test-70 1st fit test-52

WOW!!!! 82 switchkicks! I was so shocked when I wrote that number down. I had no idea how many I had done on the first or second but I knew it was no where near 82. While doing the switchkicks I played TI and I did them for the entire time. Amazing! Can we say major improvements????!!!!??? lol

3rd Fit test-27 2nd fit test-30 1st fit test-20

I was so disappointed when I saw this. I knew while doing it that I would not be beating my score from the 2nd fit test. I wanna blame it on my switchkicks and using my energy to do those but hey NO EXCUSES! *pouts* I can only say that I am to do more the next time.

3rd fit test-50 2nd fit test-45 1st fit test-30

So I sucked at the power jacks BUT I came back strong with the power knees! Yippee! Look at my results from the first test to the third test......20 more power knees! That's great! *pats self on back* ;0)

3rd fit test-20 2nd fit test-13 1st fit test-12

First and foremost I have to tell you what a power jump is so that you can be amazed at how well I did lol A power jump is when you jump in the air bringing your knees up to meet your elbows. Your ENTIRE body is coming up off the ground and its done after doing three other exercises. I was shocked on test 1 when I was able to do 12 so imagine me now...........I'm at 20! 8 more! Go me, go me!

Friday Pictures, Images and Photos

From here on out I'm sucking LMBO!

whitney houston gif Pictures, Images and Photos

Globe Jumps:
3rd fit test-4 2nd fit test-4 1st fit test-2

So I stayed the was slightly disappointing. Once again I can just aim to be better the next time. :0)

Suicide jumps
3rd fit test-0 2nd fit test-0 1st fit test-0

Well at least I'm consistent right LMBO! I can not do a suicide jump! Sorry! I cannot do a pushup! My "goal" is to learn to do ONE before my 60 days are up. Hey I'm realistic....I'm just "not" there yet.

Pushup jacks
3rd fit test-0 2nd fit test-0 1st fit test-0

Pushup jacks is the same thing that happened with suicide jumps!

Here's my video for tonight. Thanks for all of the support


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Musical Inspiration

So from my last video you can tell that I listened to my IPOD the entire time tonight while working out. That is a strategy that definitely worked! The reason that I wanted to blog about it is because the entire experience was so crazy. As soon as I began the workout I put my Ipod on shuffle and just waited. Well the first song that came on was Motivation by TI<------*side eye* I mean seriously was somebody somewhere trying to tell me something? lol I listened to it twice because as TI rapped I worked my behind off...I completed more than what I was suppose to do for each interval and the pain that normally makes me take a break did not faze me at all tonight. It was a great way to begin my workout because I truly was motivated!

fakin' only gonna inspire (Motivation)
All yo hatin' is fuel to my fire (It's motivation)
plottin' on the crown soft droppin' (It's motivation)
Hey but I ain't slowin' down and I ain't stoppin' (Motivation)
Now you don't stop my show (Motivation)
You ain't know I don't stop, I go (It's motivation)
Sucka can't make me suffer
Just make me stronger and make me tougher (It's motivation)

Right after motivation went off freakin Beyonce came on. Now I know I say ish about Beyonce all of the time but I love Bey and her music will definitely have you crunk. But it was so funny because Diva or Ego or Single Ladies did not come on...........freaking Ring the Alarm came on LMBO! Now Ring The Alarm is the type of song that makes you angry and that's exactly what happened....I was mad and singing along with Bey and found myself working out harder...Dont ask me why the hell I was so mad but I was....I dont even wanna know why I was mad....I'm just happy that by the time Beyonce went off, sweat was literally pouring off of my body and I had finished my entire bottle of water and was desperately in need of a refill lol

Ring the alarm
I been through this too long
But I'll be damned if I see another chick on your arm
Won't you ring the alarm?
I been through this too long
But I'll be damned if I see another chick on your arm

After Beyonce came Mary J Blige...her song??? I am! This was followed by Mary J's The One.......................every song just made me work harder and harder so it was no surprise when I look at the screen and realize that Shaun T is done with his workout and preparing the stretch and I'm at home wanting more and booty poppin to Lady Gaga! LOL I've never had that much energy in my life!

So the IPOD definitely has to become a staple in my workout routine. I'm actually looking forward to working out tomorrow and the pain that I've felt for the past 2 weeks....................not feeling it tonight! Woop Woop!

Time for bed


Update.............Day 27

Well today made day 27 and I really think I'm suppose to do another fit test tomorrow....I really need to check my calendar but I think tomorrow is the day for another fit test. Anyhoo the last time that I wrote a blog entry I was really in a down mood....I was doubting whether I'd be able to complete my 60 days or not. Well that KL is gone!

I have found my passion again! I reminded myself that I am doing this FOR ME! Therefore I am not trying to live up to anyone's expectations as far as what they think I should be doing, not doing, or feeling guilty because damnit I ate 3 slices of pumpkin fry bread....surely did and what? Who gon check me boo? lol But naw seriously I started on this journey to be a better ME not to impress anyone. I'm glad that I have inspired so many people, I'm glad that I have people rooting for me and I'm glad that I've proven my haters and naysayers wrong BUT at the end of the day its not about losing 60 lbs or getting to a size 5...its about being a better me!

Now that I have that mentality back I'm so ready.....I'm excited all over again! So many people who started this journey with me have quit...not me! I'm doing this. Ive done 27 days, have 33 days left to go and I'm like Obama baby....YES I CAN DO IT!!!! Thanks for all of your support!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Another Late Night

So its 11:52 pm and I'm still up.....I have like a million things on my mind. Mainly I want to put on my workout clothes and workout. I promised myself at my weigh in on Sunday that I'd work out every single day and I've done that. Granted I cried during my entire workout yesterday (dont judge me lol) but at least I did it. Yes I did it at 9:00 and after my friend literally had to drive to my house and force me to do it but STILL...............I did it.

I dont know what my problem is today. My mind, heart and body are not cooperating with one another. My body is flat out saying NO! Better yet its pulling a Whitney and is yelling hell to the naw LOl! My body is TIRED! I mean if I could lay in a nice king size bed with a fan and a huge blanket and sleep for like 3 or 4 days I surely would. My body is just exhausted. Nothing hurts but I know had I worked out I would be laying in bed right now in pain. Isnt that such a lovely thought?

My heart is fierce! My heart is committed. It wants this badly. My heart wants to prove to the world, my family, my friends, the naysayers, the haters that YES I CAN DO THIS! My heart is committed to losing these 5 lbs that I said I would lose. My heart wants to work out right now! So umm you can pretty much tell that my heart and my body do not like each other right now.

And then there is my mind is the sensible one out of all three. She always is ;0) My mind is saying its one workout. If I work out tomorrow and Saturday then that still puts me at 5 days of working out prior to my weigh in on Sunday. 5 days is not bad. Plus resting a day allows me to work harder tomorrow...right? Or at least this is what my mind is telling me. As I type that my heart is saying that's an effin excuse LOL!

So no workout for me. *sigh* No 8 hours of sleep either. Both mean that tomorrow I shall be a cranky nice



I have found myself tonight looking at every video that I've posted onto my youtube account and reading every journal entry that I've posted onto this blog......why?

Because I need motivation! LOL

I'm at the point now where I just want to quit. I'm on day 24 and day 60 seems so far off. I try to remind myself that I've made it 24 days thus far and that is an accomplishment but mentally and physically I'm tired. I have never known a feeling like this...what happened to all of the energy that I had when I first began the program???? I' find myself back to plenty of sleepless nights..........not because I'm up with so much to do but because after my workouts my muscles throb and hurt so much that I find myself laying in bed, in pain, in tears waiting to drift off to sleep. That usually happens at around 11 or 12 and thus I wake up at 6 or 7 in a bad mood, mad at the world, mad at me, and ready to give up.

I will pat myself on the back for the following reason...I havent given up yet! But I cant say that its been easy. Even as I type this my eyes fill up with tears. THIS IS HARD!

If I couldn't count being a mother, I'd easily say this is the hardest thing that I've ever had to do. :0( And because of all of the feelings that I've been experiencing somehow someway I've lost track of "why" I started this plan to begin with. I've lost focus....its become solely about the weight loss and I never wanted it to be that way. This was suppose to be a full was suppose to be FUN! What happened?

I'm trying to stay focused on the goal at hand....36 more days! I can do this. Right? Right? Somebody please tell me I can do this lol


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 22, 38 days to go

So I am 3 weeks into my 60 days! I had a weigh in on Sunday February 14th and I am down another 3 lbs. Woop Woop! I am so happy. My goal for this week is 5 lbs! I know that I can do it but its going to take a lot of hard work. You all should see lots of videos and posts this week...............hard week :0) Thank you for all of your support


Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So my sister Val has stressed the importance of taking pictures while I'm doing this challenge. Here are the before I started pictures...I think I had been on the plan for a few days when I took these.



This is me 16 days into the Challenge



I cant wait to take pictures in 2 more weeks.


Another Accomplishment.....and Update

So here's to another accomplishment................I made it through an entire Insanity video without having heavy breathing! I'm so proud of me! Here's the video for tonight and thanks for all of your support!


Monday, February 8, 2010


Ok so while I have been on the Flat Belly Diet I have discovered so many tasty things! Who said dieting had to be disgusting? I have eaten delicious matter how gross they sound at the time lol

1. Bran Flakes---I have bran flakes daily for breakfast without sugar and they are delicious! The first time I had them I thought they would be disgusting....NO SUGAR SON???

but it is very delicious. I highly recommend it and on the TMI level--it keeps your colon working ;)

2. Lactose free skim milk--I highly doubt that when these 60 days are done that I'll go back to drinking regular cow's milk. Before I started this I would only drink fat free cow's milk....the lactose free milk is without lactose....duhhhh lol Lactose is the sugar that is in milk. The lactose free milk has a fresher taste and its really not as expensive as some people think. I buy the Walmart brand and 1 cart costs 2.98..not bad at all.

3. Veggie meatballs----oh my god! These things are sooooooo delicious! You cant even tell you're not eating meat! I had them with pasta and Newman's own marinara sauce and then wrapped in a pita with marinara sauce. Both times it was delicious!

4. Organic chicken---its smaller and tastes better! A lot of people complain about the price however I purchased organic chicken thighs and they are only 3.25 at Walmart.....thats cheaper than buying drumsticks or chicken breasts that are not organic. I think people in general hear the term "organic" and instantly think your research. You'd be surprised!

5. Fat free Italian dressing----very flavorful and only contains 50 calories per 2 Tablespoons. I love to place it on a bed of organic mixed greens, carrots and mushrooms.

Another Fit Test

Ok so today was the day that I was suppose to take another fit test! YES, its been 2 weeks already. I cant believe it. I took the first fit test 14 days ago and here were my results:
52 kicks
20 Power jacks
30 Power Knees
12 Power jumps
2 Globe jumps
0 suicide jumps/pushup jacks

LOL I KNEW that I was going to do improvements based on how my workouts have been going but I was a little scared because I was battling a hangover and seriously considering putting off the fit test. I continued with it because I'm on a schedule and the schedule says fit test today! Well here were my results:

70 kicks
30 power jacks
45 power knees
13 power jumps
4 globe jumps
0 suicide jumps/pushup jacks

Soooooooooooooooooooo as you can see my numbers went up! I still have not worked my way up to the suicide jumps/pushup jacks as you can see....I need to learn how to do a regular pushup first LOL! But I am proud of me! My family members were very cooperative! I cant wait to see what the others have done on their fit test today!

Day 14 down!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What Day Is It Again????

My days are running into each other LOL! Thankfully I have a personal journal that I am keeping with the FBD so I am able to see. Lets see I started Insanity last Monday so I am 9 days into my journey! Woop Woop! Things are going so well. I want to cry whenever I think about how far I've come. Its truly miraculous. I cant believe how much my body has improved in only 9 days!!! All of that heavy breathing???? GONE! All of that complaining and stopping???? GONE! I did my workout tonight and was able to do each interval for the entire amount of time. WOOP-WOOP! I did rest but it was not due to being tired....I rested because my legs hurt lol But I worked through the pain and it eventually went away! I am so proud of me and am soooo looking forward to the fit test that I shall be taking on Monday.

I said in the video that I would do a video for certain people....I wont call them out but their initials are LG and VW! LOL They comment on my facebook page about the "yucky" food that I eat. However I am TIRED beyond TIRED tonight so I shall...I promise I promise I promise....I shall do it tomorrow. My son also took pictures of me so that I can show off my new figure in roughly 51 days(wow!!! Only 51 days to go!!!) and can see a difference. I will post those tomorrow too. Oh well, here is my blog. I'm ready for my dinner---organic chicken thighs, brown rice and black beans. YUMMM! lol

Day 9 of insanity
Day 8 of FBD
