Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm on the pill

I've always wanted to say that. lol Corny I know but hey *shrugs* at times I can be a corny mofo :) Anyhoo today is the first day that I have taken all 3 pills that the doctor has me on and I wanted to blog about it. Last night I took the Diurcid and slept like a baby AGAIN so I am officially saying its because of the pill and I dont care what anyone says. I didnt dream again last night......a nice, peaceful sleep and lots of energy this morning.  One of the things that messed me up yesterday is time management. I promise at times I can be a total ADHD kid and will not focus. I fixed that today by literally setting up alarms within my phone that go off and tell me to take my pill. Thats the only way I'll be able to fit all 5 in(3 different subscriptions, 5 pills a day).  Midmorning it was time for me to take my thyroid support pill. This was my first time ever taking this. Its suppose to boost your metabolism and give you energy. It was a small, nasty brown pill BUT it did everything it was suppose to do. I had energy. So much so that I knocked 5 miles out without even blinking an eye. Half an hour before lunch brought me to another pill, the red fiber gastrofill. This pill is suppose to do a lot of ish. Its suppose to curb my cravings for carbs, shrink my stomach, curb my appetite and make me eat less. It too does its job. I was not hungry at all although it had been hours since I ate breakfast and I had no snack. For lunch I ended up eating a spinach salad that consisted of lots of veggies but only 2 cups of spinach. I'm STUFFED! I have one more thyroid pill to take at 3, another red fiber pill to take before dinner and then the diurcid. So far so good.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Off to a great start

Last night was my first night popping a pill. I'm suppose to take a supplement before I go to bed and last night I took the diurcids. As I was researching the pill and the side effects I learned that one of the main ingredients within the pill is often used to treat depression. Weird I know but oh well. I took the pill and instantly went to sleep. I slept like a baby!!!! Thats not common for me. I dream crazy dreams every night. Last night I didnt dream about anything. It was just a peaceful sleep. I was in bed by 10 and knocked out. I slept a good 9 hours and woke up with so much energy. I dont know if the pill did all of this, I'm simply telling you about my day so far. I feel great!  I feel as if I could run a marathon. I've already washed clothes, fixed breakfast, written 2 blog posts, and washed dishes. I plan on taking advantage of this energy that I have.

For breakfast this morning I had Kashi cereal and non fat milk. 17 grams of protein thus far. The doctor that I went to yesterday was big on protein protein and more protein. I decided that I'm not doing her diet plan. It sucks. Tuna and egg whites? No ma'am. When I started back on this journey I promised myself that I would not diet...that I would just make better, healthier changes and I've done that. I'm not going to deprive myself and suffer. I'm not going to do it. Isnt that how/why many people fail at diets in the first place? I think I have done pretty good using myfitnesspal. I only eat 1200 calories a day and I limit myself to one cup of rice, one cup of cereal, one cup of veggies. I'm just not going to deprive myself. That defeats the purpose. The doc can be mad all she wants but hey, I PAY HER, she does not PAY ME. I did decide that I would decrease the sugar as much as possible. I already do not eat foods that have high fructose corn syrup in them but eliminating sugar period is hard. Sugar is in everything!!!! Yogurt, fruit, smoothies :/ I can limit...I can eliminate. I can add more protein too.

I'm off to get these 5 miles in early this morning. I got 5 in last night and up until mile 4 my body was hurting and burning. The vacation from exercising did not benefit me at all. 5 miles .... lets go!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Oh Lord.........NOT the SUGAR (after)

So this morning I woke up and went to the doctor. Boy I was ready. First and foremost, I knew nothing about this doctor. Because I was so afraid of doctors, I didnt have one. Well in order to complete the wellness requirements I HAD to have a doctor. So I picked one off of my insurance site. The first one was totally booked until August. The second one could see me today so I went with the second one. I knew nothing about her .... just her name.

I walked in the doctor's office all cheery and happy.... I was ready. I paused for a good 3 seconds when I got in there. Not only was she a primary care doctor, she was also some big time weight loss guru. O_O. Was this fate?  I sat in the waiting room like "OMG". I start panicking a little bit because I know I'm PMS'ing and I know my numbers are going to be a little off....... I also know shes going to comment about me being obese. *bites nails*

I go back in the office and everything is cool. Everyone is nice, I'm talking, I'm calm .... and then the doctor comes in. She is very nice I will give her that .... but she is also very blunt. Before anything she took one glance and said YOU HAVE TO LOSE WEIGHT. Anyone who knows me knows what happened next .... I instantly went into "defense" mode. I KNOW I need to lose weight .... what do you think I've been doing for the past month? huh? huh? Losing weight! You think I'm bad now you should've seen me a month ago...I've lost 10 lbs lady! *pats self on the back*

I'm going to pause here to say that I dont care how bad you are, someone is always BADDER(is that a word? if not you know what I mean). I met my match today because the doctor was not trying to here ANY of that. She didnt care that I had lost 10 lbs. I was still obese(according to my BMI) and thats ALL she cared about. Needless to say I sat down and was quiet ....... and well, I just allowed the doctor to do her thing.

My first test was my weight. I was worried about my weight because like I said ... PMS messes with my numbers. I weighed in at 185 which was good for ME. I've had a funky period and have not exercised since my trip to Orlando. The fact that I've maintained my weight was a plus for me.... notice I keep saying for me .... the 185 was not good for the doctor lol Also I want to note if I'm 185 while pms'ing, I'm probably more like 180 without it. I'm just saying. ... I'm just saying.

My second test was my blood pressure.  The nurse initially took my blood pressure on my left arm. Then she let out a big WHOA and said this cant be right....child stop worrying and sit still. I didnt know I was moving but oh well. I took a deep breath and she did it on my right arm. My blood pressure ended up being 118/80 which she said was pretty good.

The next test was my sugar. Once again the first time she pricked me, she pricked me on my right hand. she let a big WHOA and said child what did you have for breakfast. Ummm a protein shake. Does it have sugar in it? Yes. She keeps mumbling "this cant be right" and shows me the machine. It says 200. Seriously I'm sitting there with the dumb face. What does that mean? Her reply: You have diabetes.

I'm so serious when I tell you this. After she said that I literally yelled "Oh noooooooooo NOT THE SUGAR!!!!" I really wish I was being videotaped because now as I sit and write this post I see just how funny that ish was. Tears came to my eyes and I just kept repeating "nooooo not the sugar, not the sugar" So the nurse(who was also African American) said let me go and get the other machine...give me your finger. So I went through the entire process all over again .... this time with a new machine and with a different hand. The end results .... 116. High ..... but not like 200. Pre-diabetic ..... NOT diabetic! **insert praise dance** (see the video below)

The last part of the exam was the diet phase. I had several options. I could do a type of liposuction. Hmm sounds good but my bank account says no. I could do injections. Hmmm sounds good but my bank account says no. Or I could do diet, exercise(arent I already doing that????) and pills. Hmmm sounds good and my bank account says yes.

So I'm on 3 pills. I've researched all 3 for the side effects .... I'm no dummy. The first is gastrofill which shrinks your stomach and prevents you from eating a lot .... taken before lunch and dinner. The second is a thyroid pill which basically boosts your metabolism. And the third is diucap. The pills I can do .... the suggested diet is what is going to be difficult. Absolutely NO breads, cereals, potatoes, pasta, blah blah blah .... no bananas, no mangoes, no sugar at all. Just protein protein protein. Blah blah blah.

I went to my car and was really thinking "I'm not going to do this. I'm not giving up ALL carbs" but my mind kept going back to 200 and how I felt when I thought I had diabetes. I never want to feel that way again. If it takes not eating bread or rice or pasta to get to that point then that is just what I'll have to do. My appointment for my cholesterol is tomorrow. I'm ready for it. I have a weigh in next week already.....can you believe it? Dr Merey EXPECTS(her words not mine) to be at 180 by next Thursday. According ot her if I follow the plan I will be there. I'm not even going to point out the fact that if I do my hip hop abs and myfitnesspal and my plan that I can be at 180 by next week too WITH rice included. She is a pistol and its not worth going back and forth. Either way the goal for next week is 180. Lets get get get it!

Videoclip of my favorite obese comedian Lavell Crawford. I cannot think about "the sugar" without thinking about him. WARNING: There is cursing!

Oh lord .... NOT the SUGAR! (before)

Well the moment that I've been preparing for all summer arrived today. I had to go to the doctor for a physical and bloodwork. YIKES!

First and foremost I hate going to the doctor. I know people who will go to the doctor at the slightest cough. Not me...I have to be damn near dead before I will go to the doctor's office. Why? I'm afraid. The doctor never gives you positive news....something is always wrong and I'm afraid to know what. Am I going to die? If so, I'd rather not know.

While I go faithfully to have my woman parts examined, I have never had bloodwork done. Diabetes and Cholesterol scare me. Diabetes is prominent within my culture(I'm African American). I've seen the effects that it has on people. I've seen people literally looking like a walking ghost, asked what was wrong thinking it was something major like cancer, and been told "I have the sugar" The dreadful sugar. I've come to fear the term. So a couple of months ago I started working out and eating right .... to avoid "the sugar". The doctor took one look at me, one look at my big belly and said check her sugar :/ Im no dummy Ive known for a time that having a big belly(a waist larger than 32 inches) is a dead ringer for diabetes BUT that never stopped me from never stopped me from drinking coke after coke after coke.....because for a long time I had the disease that so many Americans have today.... the "I'm Invincible Disease"

Dont pretend as if you dont know about the I'm Invincible Disease. This disease tells you that what happens to everyone else will NOT happen to you. Its very real lol I know people who partake in dangerous behaviors but refuse HIV tests because they are "invincible" and it just "wont happen to them". Now are you familiar with it. I never thought the sugar would happen to me although I was walking around sporting a cool 40 inch waist :/

The other test that I had to take dealt with cholesterol. My heart. I've written posts before about my heart. I have not been my heart's best friend. I've done major damage. How much? I dont know. I refused to go to the doctor to find out. Just scared out of my mind. I remember sitting in my biology class at Famu. My instructor had previously had open heart surgery. I remember her saying "pound that chest....pound feel that? You feel that bone? Well when you have heart surgery they must get through that bone and it hurts!"  YIKES! I don't know if she knows but she scared the hell out of me on that day ....... its just too bad that she didn't scare me enough for me to make the necessary life changes. Just like with the diabetes I was invincible.

So my school district put a wellness program into play. Glucose, Cholesterol, Weight and Blood Pressure ALL had to be checked ........ it started in January and I had until August 1st to complete the requirements. For the first time I would know my numbers. I would know my status. I would know just how good or *cough* how bad my health actually was ....... and I was AFRAID!

Theres always good in the bad. I look at my progress over the past few months and I am proud of me. I'm thankful for the school district implementing this program because had they not, I never would've taken the initiative to lose the weight. I am motivated by numbers. That 40 inch waist is gone. I am ready for my appointment

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The E in Exhausted

I havent blogged in like forever. I havent exercised in like forever. The past 5 days have been filled with tears, prayers, stress and worry. I'm trying to make a change professionally and keep tripping over stumbling blocks. The good thing is although I'm tripping I'm not staying down .... I continue to get up and run the race.

I'm the type of person who is always looking for a lesson. I'm always looking for a bright side or a "this happened because". I'm convinced that things just dont happen .... there is a reason behind it and a learning opportunity as well. Even when bad things happen I always find myself asking myself "What am I suppose to learn from this?" "How is this going to make me a better person?" "Why did this happen?"

I received a phone call on Friday that threw my entire summer for a loop. The entire summer I've been happy and actually looking forward to returning to work. All of that ended with one simple phone call. I dont think I've stopped crying every since. Thankfully I know where my help and strength come from and I found myself falling on my knees.  It was funny because I had just left my knees on Wednesday about another situation and when I woke up Friday that situation had been resolved only for another one to pop up. I had just finished telling everyone how great God was only to find myself in another position of asking him to rescue me.

The one thing that I have learned within my 29 years is that God does not always come when WE want him to BUT he is always right on time. I've had countless experiences where this has been proven. I remember leaving Georgia on a prayer and faith the size of a mustard seed .... thats all I had .... I was penniless, homeless and jobless and within a few weeks God had blessed me with a job, a place and money. You cant have a testimony without a test. Thats the lesson that I am getting out of what I am going through right now.  I believe 100% that God is going to come through for me and while this is a test unlike any other tests that I've ever had ... I know that my testimony is also going to be greater.

As of today I've done all that  I could do. The rest is left up to him. I am exhausted! Stress + Worrying + Bad Nerves + Crying + Lack of Sleep will do that to you :/ Now that my part is over I just want to sleep and allow GOD to work! I know he is working it out for me :)


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Just call me JOBetta

If I sound a little confused as you read this its probably because as I type it I am laughing and crying .... at the same time. I'm laughing at the title. I spoke with my mother a few minutes ago and informed her that I should've been named JOBetta ....a reference to the character of Job within the bible. Maybe that's being a bit extreme but that's how I feel and I'm crying because well it seems that everything in my life is going wrong. And when I say everything I truly mean everything. Romantically, financially, spiritually, physically, mentally, professionally. I feel like Job. If you've been under a rock Job lost everything .... his kids, his livelihood, his health .... EVERYTHING.

When I think about Job I kind of want to kick myself. Despite everything that's occurring I still have my health, I still have a job, I still have a roof over my head, I still have my child. I dont think anyone has had it worst than Job. The thing that I admire the most about Job was his faith. Despite all that happened Job still believed and trusted in God and because of his faith he was rewarded and blessed. As each incident has taken place within the past few weeks my faith has remained in tact. I've been here before .... hell I've been in worst shape. I've been homeless,  jobless and penniless at the same time and God came through for me. I'm trusting that he will come through again and that everything that is happening is happening for a reason. I'm holding on to the hope that things will get better.

A few Sundays ago we had a guest speaker and the one thing that was said by her that stuck out the most was her quote about faith. She said that when times are good people have all of the faith in the world but when faith is needed, it suddenly disappears. This mean that when everything is going our way we trust in God and believe in him. However when something bad happens the first thing that we do is question why and our faith in God suddenly disappears.....we start seeking answers in Obama, the governor, our parents, and etc.

My faith has been tested plenty of times and I wish I could say that I passed every test but I cant. I get mad sometimes. It sucks to see bad things happening to good people. But no matter what has happened my belief in God has stayed the same. I have no other choice but to believe. I've seen what he has done not only in my life but in other people's life as well. I know that all things are possible through him. I'm just hoping and praying for a breakthrough.


Friday, July 8, 2011

Jillian Michaels is NO joke!

I dont know how many of you are familiar with Jillian Michaels. She is one of the trainers on The Biggest Loser. If you've been under a rock, The Biggest Loser is a reality show where severely obese individuals lose a ton of weight. When I use to watch the show I was always amazed by the weight loss. Now I see how they lost it

Man Jillian Michaels is NO joke. I was commenting on facebook that the workouts were only 20 much damage can she do in 20 minutes????? I got my answer ...... A LOT! I started out with level 1 and even then I followed the young lady in green ..... the "easy" version .... yeah right.

Jillian has you doing 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of ab work. I never imagined I'd enjoy doing crunches, sit ups and ab work the most LOL Within that time frame your body is really worked. I mean things were aching on me ..... and I had just completed 2 hip hop ab workouts.

My least favorite are the strength exercises. I'm not a strength girl. However I have been using 2 lb weights all summer so while these exercises were my least favorite, I did them better. The cardio was my weak area. While I loved jumping jacks as a kid, my size D breasts and jumping jacks do not get along. My favorite were the ab exercises. Not only were they quick(ONE minute) they were effective. My tummy still HURTS!

So day one of the 30 day shred is done. I can see myself being on level 1, green girl for the entire 30 days. I'm just being real. If level 1 is like this, imagine level 2..... and I dont even want to think about level 3. Child please.

A shower, dinner and 5 miles await me!


Look what I got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been hearing good things about Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I recall seeing it one day while looking for weighted gloves in Walmart. After hearing so many positive things about it I decided to add it to my fitness plan for the month of July.

So now I am doing hip hop abs(I'm about 2 days away from completing blue and going to green YAY!), 5 miles of walking and the 30 day shred. Seriously I'm in beast mode and I dont care. I actually laugh when I wake up(like this morning) and my body is aching. I have a goal and I know what I want to be and how I want to look before I return to work.

I never in a million years knew that this summer would be dedicated to fitness. I didnt plan it that way but some how this fitness thing has taken on a life of its own. Its all that I think about and I think I'm way more than a little obsessed with myfitnesspal and this blog. If I cant work out I'm sad and I'm disappointed if I can only get one workout in. Trust me, I dont know who this person is either but I like her. She's motivated and determined and I'm falling in love with her work ethic.

Of course being this determined has its set backs. You see that picture of me(look up) ... I look a hot mess dont I? lol Working out is like kryptonite to my hair. I dont even bother anymore .... my wardrobe lately consists of jeans, a tshirt, sneakers and a baseball cap .... thats IF I bother leaving the house.  I get by knowing that this phase will not last long. In a month and some days I will return to work and then my workouts will dwindle down to two-a-days. Til then I'm beasting .... I'm getting everything in that I can get in!

30 Day Shred .......................... Lets GO!

Look ma ...... NO HANDS!

Ha ha! I wonder how many people are going to click on this link thinking I'm talking about something freaky *giggles* C'mon peeps..... by now you should know that this is a FITNESS blog! Everything on here relates to my physical, mental and spiritual well being :)

Anyhoo I'm taking a break from working out because while doing my second hip hop ab workout today I had a major accomplishment. I wouldnt be me if i didnt share it :)  You see that picture ... yeah that one up there ..... well I've been working out for a good month and while stretching I've NEVER been able to touch my toes :(  I started out at my calf and worked my way down to my ankle. I tried several times to reach my toes and at some point I became like the two fleas that Dwayne Wayne preached about in A Different World. I kind of gave up and just said "Hey you're not flexible ... move on" Today I dont know what happened but I reached for my feet and I WAS ABLE TO TOUCH MY TOES! I bent alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way down. I'm sure that's some type of great yoga position. I mean I was flat LOL

If you cant tell, I am so proud of me. Another accomplishment under my belt .... who cares if its minor. :)

By the way, if you've never seen the flea clip from A Different World here it is. Great clip :)

The Obesity Epidemic

My comments are in bold :)

U.S. Obesity Epidemic Continues to Spread
By Steven Reinberg THURSDAY, July 7 (HealthDay News) --

A new report outlining how obesity threatens America's future reveals that obesity rates climbed over the past year in 16 states, and not a single state reported a decline in the proportion of excessively overweight residents.

I wonder why

The report, released Thursday, also found that more than 30 percent of the people in 12 states are obese. Four years ago, only one state could make that claim.

Twenty years ago, "there wasn't a single state that had an obesity rate above 15 percent, and now every state is above that," said Jeff Levi, executive director of Trust for America's Health, which compiled the report.

Could this be because of fast food? What about all of the preservatives and additives that they are placing in food? What about the lack of knowledge that people have about what they are putting into their bodies? 20 years ago people probably cooked their food at home instead of eating out. Just things to ponder

"We have seen a dramatic shift over a generation," he added. "This isn't just about how much people weigh, but it has to do with serious health problems like diabetes and hypertension. These are the things that are driving health care costs."

Being obese is costing us not only our lives but financially as well. Air carriers are now charging extra for obese individuals. Healthcare wise insurance companies are too. I for one have to have bloodwork done by the first of august to ensure that I keep my insurance. What are the checking for? Diabetes, cholestrol levels, blood pressure ... you know... the things that come with being overweight :/

With the exception of Michigan, the 10 most obese states are in the South. The Northeast and West reported the lowest obesity rates. In addition, in eight states, more than 10 percent of adults suffer from type 2 diabetes, according to the report.

Why am I not surprised? The South. I live in the South where we love everything fried, smothered and unhealthy. Even our vegetables are unhealthy because they are often slathered in butter, seasoned with a fattening part of the pig and cooked until all of the nutrients are gone. The South ... home of SOUL FOOD! I'm not surprised at all by this.

Mississippi, where 34.4 percent of the people are obese, has the highest obesity rate. Other states with obesity rates above 30 percent include: Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and West Virginia. Thirty-eight other states have obesity rates above 25 percent.

This is what pisses me off. All of these obesity rates but obese people are discriminated against the most. Its like duhhh America YOU'RE obese! How can you continue to discriminate against obese people? Why are we continuing with this stereotype that Americans are size 2's, 4's and 6's. We're not.

For the second year in a row, obesity rates rose in Illinois, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Missouri, Rhode Island and Texas.

And, for the third year straight, more residents of Florida, Kansas, Maine, Oklahoma and Vermont tipped the scale toward obesity.

Colorado, with an obesity rate of 19.8 percent, is the only state where the rate is less than 20 percent, the investigators found.

Other highlights of the report include:

** The number of adults who do not exercise rose across 14 states.

Why am I not surprised? We have become a generation of lazy people. Instead of exercising adults now turn to weight loss pills, surgery or other fad diets.

**Obesity among men is up in nine states, but dropped for women in Nevada.

Women have more pressure to be thin

**Obesity prevalence varies with education and income. The least educated and the poorest had the highest rates of obesity; college graduates had the lowest.

I'm not surprised by this either. It always baffles me when I go grocery shopping around the first of the month and the people with food stamps are there. Some people receive $400-$900 a month in food stamps. You would think they would have healthy choices but I often find these people with carts and carts and carts full of JUNK! Every type of cake, soda, chip, snacks imaginable. Rarely are there fresh fruits and vegetables. I always leave the store baffled.

**More than one-third of children and adolescents are obese or overweight, with the highest prevalence in the South. However, the new data indicate that obesity among children and adolescents may have leveled off, except among the heaviest boys.

Not surprised. The new generation is one of video games. Also with all of the stuff happening in the world with pedophiles, etc its risky to allow your child to go outside and play unless you are right there with him/her. I put my own kid in sports just so he could interact with kids and get exercise.

"This generation of kids could have shorter life spans, because people are getting diabetes and hypertension much earlier," Levi said.

The solution is simple, he added: Eat less, exercise more. "We have reconstructed our lives so that we don't build in physical activity. We have neighborhoods and communities that are food deserts, where the only food you can find is unhealthy fast food," he said.

Samantha Heller, a dietitian in Fairfield, Conn., called childhood obesity "a complex, multi-faceted problem that needs to be tackled from many different angles." She said she wished the report offered ways to educate parents and caregivers about healthy eating for children.

When people find out WHAT they are eating, some change. I've found while doing this journey that many simply do not want to know. Ignorance is bliss

Parents and caregivers make approximately 75 percent of the food decisions for children, Heller said, so it is essential that they learn about healthy, affordable foods and meals for children that make sense to them.

Therein lies the problem. Fast food is affordable but it damn sure is not healthy. Healthy food is healthy but it damn sure is not affordable.

"Overall, I am hopeful that the report will help motivate food companies, local and state governments, schools and communities to generate a good head of steam to help stem the tide of childhood obesity," she added.

Obesity expert Dr. David L. Katz, director of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Conn., called the report "a reminder that obesity ranks among the most urgent public health problems of our time. While efforts to reverse obesity trends are proliferating, the tide has not yet turned, and more needs to be done."

The report makes it clear that interventions need to be tailored to diverse settings, Katz added. "I support the view that the root cause of epidemic obesity is everything about modern living, and that it will take the aggregation of a lot of effective programming to change our course," he said.

Levi noted that the federal government was introducing programs to stem the obesity crisis, but "we need to fund these programs adequately," he said.

"We now know the pieces that need to be put into place [to reduce obesity]," he added. "Some of them are about what we as individuals do, but a lot of it is also about what we as a community come together to do," Levi stated.

The list below, from the Report F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America's Future, shows the percentage of obese adults in all 50 states:

Mississippi 34.4
Maine 26.5
Alabama 32.3
Washington 26.4
West Virginia 32.2
Florida 26.1
Tennessee 31.9
Alaska 25.9
Louisiana 31.6
Virginia 25.9
Kentucky 31.5
Idaho 25.7
Oklahoma 31.4
New Hampshire 25.6
South Carolina 30.9
New Mexico 25.6
Arkansas 30.6
Arizona 25.4
Michigan 30.5
Oregon 25.4
Missouri 30.3
Wyoming 25.4
Texas 30.1
Minnesota 25.3
Ohio 29.6
Nevada 25.0
North Carolina 29.4
California 24.8
Indiana 29.1
New York 24.7
Kansas 29.0
Rhode Island 24.3
Georgia 28.7
New Jersey 24.1
South Dakota 28.7
Montana 23.8
Pennsylvania 28.5
Vermont 23.5
Iowa 28.1
Utah 23.4
Delaware 28.0
Hawaii 23.1
North Dakota 28.0
Massachusetts 22.3
Illinois 27.7
Connecticut 21.8
Nebraska 27.6
District of Columbia 21.7
Wisconsin 27.4
Colorado 19.8

Thursday, July 7, 2011

We're back together .....

Today was my first day back exercising with Shaun T. On the calendar it said I was to do total body burn ..... ughhh one of my favorite work outs *insert saracasm* I was so surprised today while doing the workout. One I had tons of energy. I guess being on a couch for a few days does that to you. I really did not expect to have as much as energy as I had. I even did the up tempo exercises. The second surprise was my breathing. Why was I breathing so hard? I have not had hard breathing in a long time so I was surprised when today I actually had to stop once to catch my breath. Was it because I was doing everything up tempo? Who knows ... but that was a surprise. The last surprise was that I had to vomit. Part of being in a funk for the past couple of days was because my body felt like crap. I dont know if I ate something bad, drunk too much alcohol or a combination of both but I have felt horrible since Sunday. I've had the feeling that I wanted and needed to vomit since Sunday but I hate vomiting. Everyone has told me to simply put my finger down my throat and vomit so that I could feel better but I am hardheaded. I'd rather sit on the couch sick then to have my face in a toilet(I really hate vomiting). Well today I had no choice. Man I could feel the toxins exiting my body as I worked out and as soon as I was done .... the vomit came up. I can feel it in my stomach that I have a lot more to bring up .... ughhh I hate that!

I still have my 5 mile walk to do and I'm going to try and throw in an additional hip hop ab workout. I need to get in as much as I can before I leave for Orlando. 10 lbs in July is my goal. LETS GO!

I'm back

When I went to New Orleans I had no idea it would take me so long to get back to my normal schedule. I've been recuperating for the past three days. My days have consisted of me napping on the couch, laying in bed, snacking and sleeping. That's it. I've had no desire to leave the house. I've had no desire to exercise. I've had no desire to even track my food. I've just been a shell of myself....just trapped in a funk!

I kicked myself out of the funk this morning. I had had enough. I got up and measured my breakfast. I actually had my normal breakfast--oatmeal!!!! I'm back to water ... no juice. I'm looking forward to working out with Shaun T. I'm just BACK TO BEING ME!!!! I missed my regular routine. My goal for July is to lose 10 lbs. Well I'm 7 days behind so I have a lot of work to do! LETS GOOOOOO!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

I SURVIVED New Orleans

Well today is my last day in New Orleans. *sighs* What a "vacation" this has been. I've been tested physically, spiritually and mentally this entire weekend and I'm so proud of me because I SURVIVED!

When I left for New Orleans I knew that I would be tested physically. I even blogged about it. I love cajun food and alcohol and thought that I would be consuming thousands of calories because of it. However I surprised myself. The only thing that I have eaten has been red beans and rice and sausage. I ate a bowl of it this morning and have not had the desire to eat anything since. I've had cups and cups of water ..... and limited alcohol. I've walked everywhere so my exercise has been taken care of. I give myself a pat on the back.

Spiritually and mentally I did not expect to be tested. I really did not. I really thought I'd come to New Orleans, party, and have a great time. That is not what happened. It was drama from the beginning. There was so much drama that I wanted to say eff the 100s of dollars that I spent and just take me home.

I'm the type of person who loves to travel. I travel a lot. I love going to stuff, partying and just having fun. Whenever I go on vacation I enjoy experiencing the city and just having a good time. I personally have a hard time understanding anyone who would come all of the way to New Orleans and want to stay in the hotel and watch television and sleep. Television and sleeping can be done anywhere. I just have a hard time wrapping my head around that concept. I wont go into deal but the drama that I experienced this weekend was uncalled for and very unnecessary. However it was needed in order to grow mentally and spiritually.

A year ago I would not have thought like that. However now I see that sometimes we are forced to experience a little pain, a little drama, shed a few tears in order for us to be elevated. When everything was going on I turned to God and just prayed. It was the craziest prayer and if I were him I would've chuckled at me. I kept saying the same thing over and over but the funny thing is that it worked. It calmed me down. Once I took it to him and left it there, I had a much better day.

So I survived New Orleans. I leave in the morning and I can not wait to come back next year. Til then, its been real Nawlins :)