Monday, August 12, 2013

Week 1...and a possible reboot?

So for the past week I've been detoxing with Jillian Micheals and bootcamping. Instead of taking the bootcamp week by week, I had a genius idea to combine all of the weeks. Chile this was an
See I am ADHD with a touch of autism and a touch of OCD .... my mind stays all over the place. I am the type of person who needs structure at ALL times. You cant let me hang all willy nilly and expect great results. This week, while trying to follow ALL of the rules at once, I've been all over the place. So I came up with the decision to take it week by week. The control freak within me is not going to be pleased because I know all of the steps but that is ok. If I can focus on just ONE thing all week I feel that I will be more successful ..... and less likely to beat myself up and binge eat because I feel that I have failed. So it's Monday .... I've gone an entire week and now I'm ready to reboot! So for the rest of the week my focus .... my ONLY focus .... my SOLE focus .... .is on water intake! My goal is at least 16 cups a day and I know that by solely focusing on this goal that it will be easy to obtain it.
So since this is my goal and only goal this week lets talk about WATER! Drinking water fills you up. Remember when you were little and your mother told you to eat your food and stop all of that drinking(now as a mom I say the same thing. Karma!) Well it was because liquids have a way of filling us up and preventing us from overeating. Many health books(websites) recommend drinking a glass of water BEFORE your meal. Water also aids in increasing your metabolism. A quick trick to this is drinking a glass or two of cold water(some people say lukewarm but whatever) as soon as you wake up. This will get your metabolism going. Water flushes out the toxins in your body and also lubricates your joints(my joints need lots of lubrication). It's really good for you and plus it has ZERO calories .... I think that's the thing that I love the most about it. If you find it to be boring, add a little umph to your water but adding sliced cucumbers, cayenne pepper, sliced fruits or lemon. For me the easiest thing to do is keep it in the freezer until it gets ice cold and then proceed to guzzle it down. Whatever works for you. Til the next blog post .... 

